A Spinster for a Spy

A Spinster for a Spy

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Lady Lily Gardenbrook, eldest daughter of the Duke of Elbury, is perilously close to being a spinster. After three Seasons, she still hasn’t accepted a suitor – but not for lack of candidates. Lady Lily has a secret – a secret which would lead to scandal, should it ever be revealed. A secret which relates to the thing which matters most in her life. She hopes for love, yet a husband would never want her, if that secret was known – to marry would mean losing everything.

Trent Weatherton, Marquess of Canterford, serves the Crown as a gentleman spy, always monitoring those of the ton for anything untoward. He has never been one to socialise much, but his role requires it of him. Convinced that marriage and spying could never make a good mix, he is unprepared for his reaction to Lady Lily Gardenbrook, which makes him question every assumption.

But when Trent’s men discover that secret correspondence travels in and out of Lady Lily’s family residence, he must investigate – for what if the woman he is coming to care for is a threat to the Crown?

Can Trent discover what is really happening, before he loses his chance at love?

Can Lily overcome her fears, and allow the possibility that love might not steal what is most important to her?

Will they each discover that the other is not at all what they seemed, in the best possible way? Or will the chance for love be lost, and Lily be doomed to life as a spinster?

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Redeeming the Marquess

Redeeming the Marquess


Lady Georgiana Branley, younger daughter of Baron Tillingford, has changed since her father's death. She has come to terms with the fact that another man now carries what was her father's title, and has dedicated herself to learning as much about managing her estates as possible. There is just one thing stopping her from being completely happy. Her father's will specified that, until she marries, her estates will be held in trust for her by her sister's husband to be - the Duke of Rotherhithe. Georgiana has no interest in marrying some society fop. She just wants to manage her estates. But the Duke promised her father that he would see her make a good match - and he intends to make that happen. At the House party which is held before the Duke and Cordelia's wedding, all Georgiana wants to do is leave - until she meets the Marquess of Dartworth - who is unlike any other man of the ton that she has met.

Oliver Kentworthy, Marquess of Dartworth, inherited a title, run down estates, and a large collection of debt. Returning from a few years of living in the Americas, Oliver sees the ton with new eyes - and is not impressed. He is only at the Duke's house party because of a promise the Duke made to his father. The members of the ton make their disapproval of the almost paupered young peer very unpleasantly obvious - the only thing that makes Oliver want to stay is Lady Georgiana...

Can Lady Georgiana get her way, and choose the path of her own life? Can Oliver overcome the terrible heritage he has been left, and be accepted by society? Will these two, who feel out of place amongst the ton, find happiness together, or will others’ prejudice drive them apart?

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