Her Wily Duke

A second son, aghast at watching his brother fritter away his inheritance, dishonouring the title, a young music teacher, accidentally drawn into the secrets and scandals of a Dukedom, a notorious highwayman, an impossible love, a miraculous resolution.

Adam Villier, Marquess of Whitewell, is far better suited to being the Duke than his older brother - but that isn't an option, of course, for the only way that Adam could become Duke would be if his brother died - which Adam certainly would not wish for! But, as Adam watches his brother waste away what his father and grandfather built, he is desperate to find a solution, to save the estates, and the tenant farmers and villagers who depend on it. He is driven to ever more desperate measures, even whilst he finds himself captivated by his sister's music teacher - but how could he even consider a relationship, when there is so much that he must do, before disaster strikes?

Miss Emme Mowatt enjoys teaching Lady Caroline Villiers, but feels almost threatened by the Duke - yet he is her employer, so she really cannot complain... When his younger brother, Lord Whitewell, begins to be kind to her, to show some interest, she is torn. Can he be serious? Surely not, for she is just a commoner. Nonetheless, she finds herself drawn to him, more and more, her heart hopelessly engaged.

While the Duke behaves less and less rationally, they find themselves threatened by a highwayman, who appears to be targeting the roads to Foxridge Park estate specifically, and the tension escalates - except... the farmers and villagers don't seem to fear the highwayman... Emme becomes more and more convinced that something very strange is happening, even as she herself is in danger.

Will Adam realise what is happening, and save her in time?

Are Emme's suspicions correct, and is the highwayman far more than he seems?

Will the Duke come to his senses, or will madness claim him, at risk to his own life?

Despite it all, can Emme and Adam admit to their feelings for each other, or is their love doomed from the start?

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About the Book
Author: Arietta Richmond
Series: The Her Duke Collection
Genre: Clean and Sweet Regency Romance
Tags: Aristocracy, Duke
Publisher: Dreamstone Publishing
Publication Year: 2024

List Price: 14.99
eBook Price: 1.99
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