Being Lady Harriet’s Hero

Being Lady Harriet’s Hero

$14.99eBook: $2.99

***FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED*** From Award winning author, Arietta Richmond.

Lord Geoffrey Clarence heroically saved the life of his best friend, Charlton Edgeworth, Viscount Pendholm, and six other people. He was then recruited to work covertly, in defence of crown and country – which resulted in the Prince Regent gifting him a substantial estate. Unfortunately, it came with a dangerous mission as a side ‘benefit’.

Lady Harriet Edgeworth decided, at first sight of Lord Geoffrey, that he was the man for her, her hero. In the year since, nothing has changed her mind. When Lord Geoffrey moves to an estate close to her home, she is delighted, and soon finds a way to volunteer to assist with the inventory of his new property.

Can Lord Geoffrey keep his mission secret, with Lady Harriet there every day? Can Lady Harriet convince Lord Geoffrey to see her as a woman, not just Charlton’s sister? And, if he does, can he keep her safe in the midst of a treasonous conspiracy?

This book won a Pinnacle Book award for best romance book in Fall 2017.

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Lady Theodora’s Christmas Wish

Lady Theodora’s Christmas Wish

$7.99eBook: $2.99

Lady Theodora Rockingham is having a wonderful year. She is finally officially the Earl’s daughter, she has turned seventeen, she has a dressing room full of new clothes, and now there is to be a Christmas Ball. All she needs now is to meet a handsome man at the Ball, and fall in love. So she makes a Christmas Wish.

Chase Harrington, newly the Duke of Montford, is still adjusting to the need to give up the rakish ways that he pursued as the Marquess of Travers. But a Duke needs an heir, and that requires a suitable Lady. He just hasn’t seen one that he’s the slightest bit interested in. Until the Christmas Ball.

Will Lady Theodora‘s Christmas Wish come true? Will the Duke finally find a woman he can love?

Find out in this delightful Christmas story.

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